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2015 Create Design Awards Official Selection - Interactive Narrativity

Betanarratives: Body Language
Editor In Chief: Jessica Yu
Writers: Various
Video Director: Angeline Armstrong
Illustrator: Meg Gough-Brooks
Web Designers: Mellisa Hankins, Bradley Jackson
Game Designer: James Cocciardi
Soundscape: Charlie Teitelbaum

Angeline is the Video Director for Betanarratives, a new platform for digital, interactive and interdisciplinary literary journalism. The journal is an imprint of the Australian publishing organisation The Lifted Brow.

In the second piece, an interactive storytelling 'game' called BODY LANGUAGE, each body part, within this mishmash of Frankenstein's monster-style bricolaged body parts, is written by different writers and explored in a variety of mediums ranging from experimental film to original soundscape to graphic novel.

web-based | colour | interactive journalism | gameplay format | 2015
