Angeline Armstrong is an early career screenwriter with produced credits incl
︎Short Film - Bathrooms

︎Mini-Series -The Wonder of Living: Ep. 3PDF

︎FilmVic Plot Twist LabsIMG


After 2yrs on the creative team for The Lifted Brow funded interactive narrative collective

made her own foray into creative non-fiction as a ghostwriter for Iranian-American novel
In the realm of Film/TV development, Angeline has been a contributing writer and notetaker in rooms forNBCUniversal, Starburns Industries, Essential Media, Nasser Entertainment, Werner Film Productions,he ACTF (Australian Children’s Television Foundation), he ABC and more.
︎The School of Life

In the realm of Film/TV development, Angeline has been a contributing writer and notetaker in rooms for
︎Everycloud Productions,t